Due to the fact that my staff isn't really interested to work on this, I'm retired as well and I'm not interested to work on this myself or look for other people to do it, I decided to just release the script and video.
How to play it for newbies:
Open the .mp4 file in MPC, then click "File -> Load Subtitles" and choose the .ass file.
For any fansubbers who are interested to release a complete version:
Some of the lines need retiming, which are marked in the aegisub comments.
Typeset lines are marked with the time in a [MM:SS] format.
Subtitles are partially edited so you may see something funny.
The video file is something I slapped together with Sony Vega, it's too large for a still-image video and needs reencoding.
Have fun!
You should only watch this after you have played the kinetic novel Planetarian. Doremi Fansubs released the first drama cd, check out their website if you haven't.